Release date: 18 March, 2024
Genre: Female protagonist, Sex adventure, Corruption, Lesbian, Milf, Voyeurism, Hotwifing, Sexy girls, Beautiful ass
Censorship: None
Platform: Windows
Version: Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth 0.22 + Walkthrough + save
Language: English
File size: 2.68 GB
About game:
Our heroine Noemi is the only child of an Italian immigrant to the United States, who is also an entrepreneur and chef. She runs her own restaurant in a small suburb of Philadelphia with her fiancé Brad and waitresses who are like sisters to her. Life was good for her, too good. It all crumbles around her as her father goes to the grave and his secret debts are revealed. As his only heir, she inherits these debts and takes on the burden of a 6-figure debt…
Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.21 – “The Worst Best Friend”
⦁ 3 Full Scenes (for 89 Total).
⦁ 75 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 1406 Total)
⦁ 1 Reworked Existing Scene Rendered CG, to correct an issue only noticed post release.
⦁ Added 30 playable days to the game time for True Mode (now up until the start of Day 231 / Month 8 Day 22 – Monday). NOTE: In an attempt to help rebalance the game and curb run-on, contentless grind days, we’ve pushed the Total Day Count backwards in a previous version, rather than forwards. All players who were past Day 231 from a previous version will have 30 fresh days in game to play from Day 201.
⦁ 8 Completely New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 242 Total)
– 8 New Outcomes for the Restaurant Manager section, 2 each per girl to Promote task, one for Proactive attitude (Red Sword – Attacking Sal’s Rep) and the other for Reactive attitude (Green Shield – Building Noe’s Rep). Both sets are newly added Lv3 “Good” Outcomes, which are added to the total play pool once Noe reached 9 Nerve or higher and are the sexiest, most rep earning of the job thus far.
⦁ 1 New Semi-Permanent scene specific Outfit added to Noemi’s wardrobe, simply Brad’s working apron and nothing else.
⦁ ~23,750 New Words of Text and Dialogue
Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.19 – “Finding Frankie”
We’re back again in Noemi’s life, with a batch of 30 days walking in her beloved wedge heels. Frankie, as the name suggests, has taken the top spot in our focus, adding 3 scenes to her own arc and taking it to double it’s size with 6 total now. Kelsey also gets in on the action, and also doubles her arc size from 1 to 2 scenes totals. In addition, we’ve not only added new gameplays to the mix, but a whole new gameplay activity to Noe’s time off for it, so all around Philly it’s added goodness.
– Technical information
⦁ Version: 0.19 (“Finding Frankie” Release)
⦁ Weight: 3.17 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 2.45 GB
– Content
⦁ 4 Full Scenes (for 83 Total).
⦁ 81 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 1258 Total)
⦁ Added 30 playable days to the game time for True Mode (now up until the start of Day 181 / Month 7 Day 1 – Sunday). NOTE: In an attempt to help rebalance the game and curb run-on, contentless grind days, we’ve pushed the Total Day Count backwards in this version, rather than forwards. All players who were past Day 180 will have 30 fresh days in game to play from Day 150.
⦁ 4 Completely New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 222 Total)
– 4 New Team Bonding Outcomes for the Downtime section, all on the brand-new activity “Clubbing”, and all focused on raising Frankie’s Competitive stat. These Outcomes bring this activity’s chain from 1-4 outcomes, matching the same levels reached by all other activities so far.
⦁ 2 New Semi-Permanent Outfits added to the girls’ wardrobe. Normally we’d detail this a bit more, but to avoid giddy spoilers, we’ll leave it at that.
⦁ ~29,500 New Words of Text and Dialogue
– Features
⦁ Continuation of the Frankie arc, it’s first time as the major focus and now the fifth arc to be majorly developed so far. Frankie’s personal arc now reaches to 6 scenes total so far. Frankie’s time as a buttoned down, bottled up, middle-aged woman is starting to wear on her, so to get the most out of her waitress, and to help a friend, Noe decides to push her to open up more. Reminder: To unlock Frankie’s personal arc scenes you need to use her as a waitress to earn tips during workdays.
⦁ The pick-up and continuation of Kelsey’s arc as well, boosting her personal arc by 1 scene to a total of 2 (now she’s no longer the sole lowest developed arc). It’s time to see Kelsey’s own personal worries, yes she has them, come to the surface as she shows she’s not all tease and tongue-in-cheek, much to Noemi’s annoyance. Reminder: Like with Frankie, to unlock Kelsey’s personal arc scenes you need to use her as a waitress to earn tips during workdays also.
⦁ Small but impactful expansion of the Downtime Activities section, as we add the 7th possible Activity to Noe’s options for her days off. This new activity, “Clubbing”, opens up chances for her to spent her nights at the local bar, blowing off steam and otherwise getting to enjoy being young and sexy, at least for a while. Currently, all outcomes for this activity are tied to Team Bonding (and Frankie), which unlock after viewing Frankie’s 4th scene in her personal arc. Additional outcomes for Relax/Self-Improve mode will be considered in the mid-to-distant future, as progress and technical limits allow.
⦁ With the addition of both late intro Frankie scenes and also the new Downtime Activity, a new level of strategy is at last emerging from the game’s design as intended. Frankie is now the first of the 3 added waitresses who can be trained in all 3 stats for gameplay, allowing her to now become adept at being your primary Promo Girl with time invested, as well as now providing an incentive to drive using Frankie as more than a cook. Now planning your days, your character builds over the long run, and making use of all your girls talents as they come will play a role in enjoying Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth to the fullest (in True Mode, of course, Endless Mode is still as free to grind out wins as needed).
– Community Feedback
⦁ We’ve further rebalanced the game, this time with an eye to making use of True Mode’s planned experience and the overall feel of achievement from playing and advancing through the Restaurant Manager sections. In addition to the new features above, we’ve purposefully relanced the gameplay’s Total Days, by cutting out about 3 months worth of empty days that accumulated over the course of adding versions previously. Now the game has a tighter window of playable time in True Mode, though all content is still available with 1-2 months to spare just in case, if playing moderately well. This means new players and those who start new games (not required at all) will face less of an open “no man’s land” of days in later portions. Please note, all returning players who have played pasted the new end point, Day 180 will be teleported back 30 days before that point so can still unlock all this version’s new content. Nothing but the day count has been reset. All progress, tips, earnings, stats, etc are kept perfectly intact. Players with game saves before Day 150 (the new starting point for returning players) will be unaffected by any changes. Players with game saves already between Day 150 and Day 180, please see Known Issues below.
Please also be aware, that this is a game in active development, pre-v1.0 release, and so things like this are expected to occur at times as we manage constantly adding content and players’ experience. We expect this will happen again in future, but we’ll do out best to keep distribution to a minimum.
⦁ We’ve updated a few older scenes with a few lines of improved texts, mostly Asana arc scenes (1-2 lines in a handful of scenes), and a few typos/improved language in a handful repeatable gameplays for the Restaurant Manager section, mostly on Kriem’s outcomes. This has come from reports of typos from multiply players, and our own replaying/testing experience. Thanks to those who helped by reporting typos!
⦁ We’ve pushed back Frankie’s arc’s 3rd scene (added in v0.18) and it’s earliest play point by a week in game as per player feedback, as it can appear too soon after Kelsey joins for the texts to make sense for players focused on Frankie in the early game.
⦁ We’ve added in Stress relief to the Damon Arc scene “Letting it All Hang Out” which despite being on the Home Activity’s Relax mode, didn’t reduce stress and therefore made it hard to use Noe in the days after until the next day off. Now Noe receives the full 60 points relief.
⦁ We’ve found and fixed a problematic bug in the v0.18 content where rolling back text from close to the end of the scene to the beginning would cause an error, due to a mismarked attribute under the hood. This should be all sorted now, but a heads up to people to be aware this can perhaps happen and please report it if it does!
– Known Issues
⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS’s Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user’s end. “Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won’t let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 “/appdirectory/” from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/NoemisToscanaRebirth_v0_17_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened.” Repeat: Then you’ve got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!
⦁ A few versions ago, we altered the way in which Repeat scenes are found and loaded in the Downtime section, as we eliminated a bug that allowed the game to skip over the next outcome in the activity chain if you already met the conditions for later ones. This means now players will see them in order as they should, however it may also mean that occasionally you will see the current repeatable 1 extra time more than needed if you increase the corresponding stats via scenes. It is a minor nuisance, but one we will look to correct in the future. For now, you may see a handful of repeatable 2-3 times instead of 1-2, rather than skip any.
⦁[TEMP ISSUE] We’ve rebalance the number of playable days in True Mode with this version, as we attempt to keep the gameplay enjoyable, moderately challenging, without empty days. However, this leaves a certain subset of players in a slight limbo situation. Players using saves recorded between Day 150 and Day 180 will only be given the remainder amount of days between their current day and the ned game end of Day 180 (for this version), instead of the full intended 30 days. For these players, it is recommended to use an earlier save, or a save from after Day 180 instead and leave these saves for a later release when they will have more time to unlock all new content. As new versions are added, with more days, this issue will naturally disappear. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but that is the nature of managing a game in development. Rest assures, no actual content/progress is lost for anybody.
⦁[TEMP ISSUE] We’ve received a report that ENDLESS Mode has a potential issue for some players that sets money earned and stress to 0 each day, which stalls progress. We are currently looking into this matter to be fixed for the next version if found. For now we recommend new players play on TRUE Mode while this is investigated.
Important! Please know that this is our first release of NTR since we were forced by upcoming technical limitations to rebuild the core coding of the game. This means every scene and every gameplay outcome had to be recoded and it is possible that this may affect the play experience via loading times and image faults. We have done our best to test this and eliminate issues, but we can’t test everything on all platforms ourselves. Please let us know if trouble occurs as we’ll be working with this issue in versions to come as needed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
– Content
⦁ 3 Full Scenes (for 79 Total).
⦁ 63 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 1177 Total)
⦁ Added 15 new days to the playable game time for True Mode (now up until the start of Day 299 / Month 10 Day 30 – Saturday)
⦁ 18 Completely New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 218 Total)
– 12 New Outcomes for the Restaurant Manager section, 1 Lv1 set for each girl in Promo (Proactive/Attack Sal), and 1 Lv3 set for both Waitressing (second set) and Entertainment (debut set), again for all girls. That’s 3 each for Noe, Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey once again. See the Nerve UI on Sal’s side of the street for unlocking details on these and all job sets.
– 6 New Team Bonding Outcomes for the Downtime section, once again 1 each for Yoga (Kelsey’s Competitive) Park (Kriem’s Open Mind), Poker (Kriem’s Competitive), TV Binge (Frankie’s Open Mind), Visiting (Frankie’s Romance) and Car Washing (Kelsey’s Romance). These Outcomes bring all of these activities’ chains, and every currently available activity + mode to their 4th links.
⦁ ~23,500 New Words of Text and Dialogue
– Features
⦁ Continuation of the Sal arc, it’s third time as the major focus and the fourth arc to be majorly developed, now up to 11 scenes total and growing. These scenes are now split over 2 distinct and mutually exclusive paths, meaning two paths of 10 scenes each (9 in common). From here, these paths will further diverge with time.
⦁ The pick-up and continuation of Frankie’s arc as it becomes the secondary focus. This side character’s personal story arc now reaches a 3rd scene as we begin to build out world and people around Noemi, as well as the tactical gameplay more with new content incentives.
Reminder! To unlock Frankie arc scenes you must use her to earn her own tips via the Waitress task during the Restaurant Manager sections!
⦁ Expansion of the Restaurant Manager section with new gameplays, including the first set of unlockable Lv3’s for the Entertainment job. These outcomes are a new level of booster, with better tip bonuses and more stress reduction possible. Best of all, they are sexier to see, and the sexiest of the Entertain tasks attainable so far! Also included are the second (and so far final) Lv3 set of Waitress tasks as well, meaning higher tip days are even more likely (as much as 33% chance per day once unlocked!). Also added are new Lv1 Promo task outcomes for attacking Sal, unlocked on game start. The Nerve Unlock UI has been updated to reflect these updates.
⦁ A completely rebuilt game core to handle the storage, loading, and display of CG images (both Scene CG and Gameplay Outcomes) to pre-empt a now known bug within the Unity Engine that affects games of 4 GBs or more. This means CGs are more dynamically loaded as the game is running, which in turn may mean some longer load times in some cases. Please understand just how important and deep reaching this change is, and so we may experience growing pains with the next few versions. Better it’s done now than later when it’s forces on us however.
– Community Feedback
⦁ A further rebalanced game from top to bottom, using first hand play experience and players feedback both. We’ve made a number of small tweaks and changes for this version, the most notable of which are focused around the Entertain daily task. As of now:
– Each point in Open Mind now adds +$1 to the day’s tips to a max for 20 points, on top of each outcome’s range of gains for the day. This is up form +$1 for every 2 points, making it x2 an effective bonus, as well as making each and every point upgrade in a girl’s Open Mind worth something at last. Stress Point reduction is untouched a -1 Stress for each other working girl per 4 points of Open Mind.
– The ranges of Stress Relief for Entertain outcomes for both Reactive Fails (Defending a non-existent trap) and for Sal’s Trap hits have both been reduced to better balance their effects as they were too liberal compared to Good Outcomes.
⦁ We’ve updated the previous version’s headline scene “Let’s Make a Deal” (Sal’s Scene #9) with improved texts, both to fix typos and improve some elements of phrasing and description. All-in-all we’ve updated several dozen nodes in part or fully for a better scene. Thanks to Zhuang Zi Hu Die for the help with this.
⦁ We’ve fixed a small but slightly annoying issue in the Day Planner where the button label was too short on some screen sizes, making the text wrap the last letter below the button itself. This small touch should better reflect a more professional product now. Please let us know if it persists, won’t you? Thanks to Art for reporting this!
⦁ As always, we’ve taken more passes on scenes to update and fix typos sent in by players. We’ve fixed anther scene or two of mismatched portraits for Noe’s tank top vs bolero in the early game. Thanks for the notice to a number guys and gals!
⦁ We’ve updated a Frankie promo (Proactive Good #1) outcome to reflect the correct outfit portrait.
– Known Issues
⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS’s Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user’s end. “Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won’t let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 “/appdirectory/” from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/NoemisToscanaRebirth_v0_17_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened.” Repeat: Then you’ve got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!
⦁ A few versions ago, we altered the way in which Repeat scenes are found and loaded in the Downtime section, as we eliminated a bug that allowed the game to skip over the next outcome in the activity chain if you already met the conditions for later ones. This means now players will see them in order as they should, however it may also mean that occasionally you will see the current repeatable 1 extra time more than needed if you increase the corresponding stats via scenes. It is a minor nuisance, but one we will look to correct in the future. For now, you may see a handful of repeatable 2-3 times instead of 1-2, rather than skip any.
⦁3 Full Scenes (for 76 Total).
⦁65 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 1114 Total)
⦁ Added 14 new days to the playable game time for True Mode (now up until the end of Day 283 / Month 10 Day 13 – Thursday)
⦁ 18 Completely New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 200 Total)
– 12 New Outcomes for the Restaurant Manager section, 1 Lv1 set of each for Cooking, Promo (Reactive), Entertainment. That’s 3 each for Noe, Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey. All these new additions are automatically unlocked from the start of the game (and after girl/job unlocks are acquired).
– 6 New Team Bonding Outcomes for the Downtime section, 1 each for Yoga (Kelsey’s Competitive) Park (Kriem’s Open Mind), Poker (Kriem’s Competitive), TV Binge (Frankie’s Open Mind), Visiting (Frankie’s Romance) and Car Washing (Kelsey’s Romance). These Outcomes bring all activities’ chains to their 3rd links.
⦁ 15 Completely New and Original Sound Tracks/Loops (for 15 Total)
⦁ ~26,100 New Words of Text and Dialogue
Almost all the new things to tastes come under the Deli roof this time, and as Noe’s feud with Sal steps up to “ridiculous but great fun” phase, we are left with an evil smiling and a hunger for more!
– 4 New Scenes, 3 for Asana (2 of them x-rated), 1 for Sal.
– 12 New Gameplay Additions on the Waitress task. 1 new slate of sexy twists on the recently added traps that see Alice and Beth get into trouble thanks to each of the Little Toscana women. 1 new slate of Reactive guarding outcomes for when traps don’t spring, but they are more rewarding than the current crop in that category. Lastly 1 new slate of overt sexy, shamelessness and touching as the girls get Proactive in the hunt for tips, Reputation be damned!
– Rebalanced Nerve system for driving the Restaurant Manager outcome unlocks, some quality of life UI improvements and some rebalanced gameplay values for higher base earnings and rounder multiplier stacks.
– 5 New Scenes, 3 for Asana (1-2 of them x-rated), 2 for Sal.
– 4 New Gameplay Additions, 1 new slate of tougher, sexier and more headbutting traps for the Waitress task. Each girl get’s their own new trap to put their foot in when Little Toscana’s Rep is in the middle+ ranges.
– Lower level trap rebalances on Rep damage (moderately nerfed). Slightly easier Asana scene unlocks for her sexiest scene of the last version. We’re also keeping the lesser compression settings for at least another version.
4 New Scenes, 1 of them x-rated, all of them for Asana. Almost 20% increases CG count to cover the last half-content version too.
No new gameplay additions, instead a focus on balancing and extending scenes.
Largely reduced image compression for Scene CGs, with the intention of a higher quality art experience.
Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Content:
3 Full Scenes (for 56 Total).
38 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 723 Total)
12 New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 159 Total)
12 New Downtime Activities Outcome CGs in Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth.
5 New Relax Outcomes: 2 Park (#3-4), Car Washing (#4), TV Binging (#3-4)
4 New Self Improvement Outcomes: Yoga (#3), TV Binging (#2-3), Poker (#3)
3 New Team Bonding Outcomes: Poker with Kriem (#2), TV with Frankie (#2) and Car Washing with Kelsey (#2).
Added 21 new days to the playable game time for True Mode (now up until the start of Day 192 / Month 7 Day 13 — Thursday)
Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Content
5 Full Scenes (for 49 Total).
69 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 609 Total)
16 New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 139 Total)
4 New Restaurant Management Outcome CGs Total.
Added the first Lv2 Outcomes to the Promote Task for the Proactive attitude and for each girl. This now balances out the Promote Task with the Lv2s previously added for Reactive attitude, allowing for more power when attacking Sal’s rep.
12 New Downtime Outcome CGs Total in Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth.
5 Full Scenes (for 44 Total in Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth).
66 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 540 Total)
24 New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 123 Total)
24 New Restaurant Management Outcome CGs Total.
Added a Lv1 Outcome to the Entertain Task for each girl, 1 for each scenario (Good result, Bad result, Proactive Success, Trap Hit, Trap Reversal and Reactive Caution). That’s 6 Outcomes per girl, for 24 Total
Added 19 new days to the playable game time (now up until the end of Day 111 / Month 4 Day 21 — Sunday)
Added 1 new Permanent Outfit to the game: Kelsey’s Dragons Cheerleading Outfit. Also added 1 new Temporary Outfit to the game: Noe’s mixed Tank Top and Pyjama Shorts.
v0.4 The Team Woes and Grows
Noemi’s wild ride is beginning to heat up! Her romance is blooming to some, but is on the rocks for others, her plans are in motion and her whole world has gotten bigger! But all is not festivities and fun times this season, as her most hated rival is on the hunt, and now he’s not taking her so lightly. Sal’s ready to exert his influence through daily sabotage and his underhanded tricks… all of which should be worth seeing! Can Noe hold him back another version? Will the refined help of a certain lady mature be the difference maker?
– Technical information
⦁ Version: 0.2 (‘Things Can Only Get Better’ Release)
⦁ Weight: 511 MB
⦁ Weight Packed: 199 MB
– Content
⦁ 5 Full Scenes (for 10 Total).
⦁ 58 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 144 Total)
⦁ 9 New Gameplay Rendered CGs in Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth
⦁ Added 6 new days to the playable game time (now up until the end of Day 13)
⦁ New Downtime Activities: Yoga and Park Walking.
⦁ 2 New Permanent Outfits for Noe: Simple Gym Gear and Everyday Nightwear, 1 New Permanent Outfit for Kriem: ‘Little Toscana’ Uniform.
– Features
⦁ Enhanced Gameplay Loop, now with initial Day Off / Downtime Activities System.
⦁ Continuation of the Main Story arc and introduction of the Sal, Asana and Damon arcs.
⦁ First playable beta test (“Bare Bones version”) of the new Restaurant Management gameplay, a new system of daily job-based activities for the ‘Little Toscana’ staff. Added Kriem as a controllable / directable character during management segments.
– Bug Fixes
⦁ The daily Management game play menu has been reworked to clean up some character displays. We also fixed the issue with switching back to Noe locking Kriem into Day off activity, which shouldn’t happen anymore. Thanks to Art for reporting!
– Known Issues
⦁ Thanks to the new gameplay system, new variables had to be made and used to control the game loop. As such, old saves from v0.1 are unlikely to work correctly going forwards. We strongly recommend starting a new game, and we apologize for the necessary but still inconvenient issue. Thanks for understanding!
⦁ Issues with File Protection on Mac OS means that save files are not being created, which means the game can’t be saved. We are investigating the issue, but for now Mac builds will be postponed until fixed. Thanks again to Art for reporting and in helping playtest fixes!
So that’s it! We hope you enjoy another taste of Noemi, as her struggles are coming back up soon. But first, some more Nat before the week is over! Until we see them both…
255 renders
Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Official Released