A Spell For All [14.15d] [cmacleod42]

Release date: 4 August, 2024
Genre: ADV, SLG, Sexy Girls, Big Tits, Milf, All sex, Blowjob, Anal, Orgy, Domination, Incest, Mother-son, Brother-sister, Magic, Hypnosis, Mind Control
Censorship: None
Platform: Windows, Android
Version: A Spell For All 14.15d + Sample saves
Language: English
File size: 4.05 GB
About game:
In the past a cult headed by the Warlock Kurndorf used the “Book of Control” to exert their domination over the town of Glenvale. Kurndorf was killed and the cult disbanded.
Since then the legendary book has become lost, but you are determined to locate it and use it’s power, either to help your family and others, or to gain the power of the spells within the book…
– You mother and sister
– Mr Beasley the science teacher
– Sir Roland Gates the secretive and rich owner of a creepy mansion
– Monique the cute librarian
– Ms. Titus the buxom librarian
– Mrs Tess Adams the beautiful clutx
– and others
This has small changes and fixes over the previous release, mainly a range of bug fixes and
– possession for Mia
– additional end game pregnancies for some missed people, notably Sofia/Angelica, Bambi, Officer Batton and some general typo and other fixes
– fixed issues with the date not changing after midnight
– updated the walkthrough based on questions and issues reported
Bug Fixes – Fixed problems with Ellie and Carol, some options not available to invite Carol to charm her. Fixed spell/inventory popups would not open in certain events/conversations. Small text fix for Pamela’s transformations. Fixed some missing images.
New Character – Ms. Charles the owner and editor of the Glenvale Herald, Geraldine Robbin’s boss. Model Ava Addams, slave and lover charm.
Charming Jade – There are four paths, vampiric ghoul, slave, respected (lover sort of), uncharmed respected. The last three can only be done if Legion is defeated and related to getting/freeing Seraphina. The last two require you to actually free Sera with Jade present to impress her. One try at charming her, fail and the chance is lost!. Cannot be recharmed, can be transformed if you charm her.
Possession changes – You can re-possess Gina, Camryn, Mother Superior outside of story events and now Pamela with shower and pool events though the pool only with the new training. The spell always ends if you pass though a door or (new) at dawn or dusk. A new training will remove the doorway limitation only (very unfinished, most people will treat you as yourself, not the person you possess!!!)
Support for webm videos – Added support for webm videos. Note the base game will not use these due to some browsers not supporting it (FireFox, Chrome, MS Edge DO), so mainly for mod use.
Phone layout – Added a back button and altered a number of screens to fit data better as we do not need a separate close button. Also added a trash icon.
Day/Month – There is now a day/month shown in your phone and you can change it there. Defaults to the day you start playing or load an old save. No effect in the base game provided for a mod
Modding support – mods can add map icons and overlays on places. Allowed more mods (20 now) and some bug fixes.
Melanie changes – Expanded some placeholder scenes
Continuity fixes – Fixed some unusual paths adding minor events, for instance Tracy and Lilith meeting in some different paths.
Seance tweaks – Layout changes and small option changes. You can no longer bring companions into Jessica’s prison, including the Seance or Ritual.
Nurse Sandra change – The model Shawna Leene is removed as a model for Nurse Sandra for future changes for the ‘Campers’. An optional mod will restore her as a model if wanted.
New Model for Leanne – From the bologna mod Veruca James is added as an alternate model for Leanne, includes more image variations for both models
Leanne changes – Leanne can return to working in the store after recovering. If charmed there is a sex scene available. Small changes in visiting her at home before recovering. If charmed there are sexy sms images on request.
Louise changes – Can be met at the gym after Leanne returns to work. Extra sms to announce and several new sexy sms images on request.
Mrs Robbins changes – added explicit pool images, selfie sms images, and fixed some broken images including a bad end with Tina. Images for managing the club.
Seraphina changes – added selfie sms images and images for managing the club. She can manage when uncharmed (but free) or charmed. Added poldance scene when uncharmed but free. End game pregnacy if she is a thrall and you possess her. Small image fix for charmed pregnant image. Fixed broken explicit images as a thrall by adding some.
Nella changes – Altered bondage scenes with Victoria pre bondage to be repeatable. Added selfie sms images and images for managing the club. Expanded some placeholder scenes. Added explicit images for Victoria/Nella threesome with male player, cunnilingus scenes, pool sex.
Betty changes – Can be a club manager in Lover charm. Added sms revealing this. You can find Heather’s book at Betty’s home as well now. Some fixes for Betty/Lilith scenes. Added poledance image.
Small image changes
Some images swapped, related to the holiday mod to make images available there.
Additional sms images for Betty, Donna, Emma, Geraldine, Hannah, Louise, Karma, Kate, Mayor, Mia, Miku, Nella, Pamela, Seraphina, Sharon
Additional poledance image for Betty, Pamela, Karma and Donna. Indirectly one for Kate (existed not shown)
Explicit pool sex images for Ms. Titus
Jesse changes – Jesse’s backstory is changed, she is now a Glenvale local, not traveling with her father on business.
Pamela changes – Post charm you can possess her, but little content, a shower scene. Additional explicit images for both models, also a couple of non-explicit versions previously missing. Additional poledance image for both models.
Tess changes – A musical interlude (no actual music though). Small image fix and added a variant for the play scene.
Ms. Jones changes – Added explicit lesbian pool sex scene. Swapped out one poledance image (catwoman) and added 2 more.
Julie/reporter changes – The reporter you meet at the conference on the apprentice path can now be met on the murder path too, different scene but same point as such.
events freeing Jessica and then meeting Esmeralda had several image and dialogue problems. The painting was missing entirely
– a number of text issues in your bedroom and around Anita arriving but also for others
– image issues meeting Miss Logan at the Restaurant
– some incorrect “end of content” messages not removed when it was not
– lots and lots of typos
– small abbreviations and rearranges in the cheat menu
– fixed issues with servant Elian following you. Notably she cannot visit Jade with you now
– a missing stone when charming Bambi
– tennis court query not going away once asked until charmed for Bambi
– fixed several problems with Lilith following and seeming to get lost for a bit or unable to ask her to follow you
– fixes for pool scenes for Zali, Leigh, Ellie, Gabby (she does not have such scenes!).
– broken images for the ‘Change’ scene for Didi
– meetings with Lilith for Jade, Sir Ronald, Mom, Tracy
– only Lilith or Elian can follow you (they do not like each other)
– visit Dr Kay in her office at the Hospital with repeat sex scenes, and added oral scenes here and at the nurses office for her, reuses existing images currently
– image changes (no new images) for Lilith at home, just what is shown in places, and show her in the living room before the Elian events that can sort of exile her there
– Monique puzzle help for Sarah’s riddles
– alterations of Elian’s cleaning events, can now be in the kitchen too
– expanded sex scenes for lover Melanie and Zali (both), filling out the ‘you fuck her’ sort of scenes a bit and a few others.
– murder path model selection for Officer Khan
– some vase issues for unlocking the Mechanics shop if you avoid getting Mrs Granger hurt or totally avoid talking to her about it. Changed so you must get her involved to find it, but she does not need to be hurt. You can ask her later at home about the vase once you have it
– cannot transforms Davy in his bedroom
– boob job image for Heather
– home images for Angela
– some changes so items appear properly in some cases
– some typos
– some small button/label changes for Penelope/Principal Reagan for clarity/order
– better sleep with lover Penelope text
– phone notes for Ursula
– New Character – Penelope, the school administrator. Talk to Principal Reagan after charming her.
– New Character – Heather, the school librarian. New library at school available from the start.
– New Character – Ursula, the private detective. Spend the night away from home after having met Sarah.
– Alison changes – Alternate way to charm Alison without knowing Shielded Charm with the use of another spell.
– Catherine – Now actually works as a nurse (friday late morning) and in admin (rest of week mornings). First aid scene if you are hurt at the sport fields, alternate to Tracy’s version. Threesome with Mrs Granger post construction site meeting. Bondage play at Avernus club and can be with Mrs Granger. Threesome with Penelope, another with Heather. Multiple image changes and added new sexy sms images
– Catherine’s Revenge – There are now a series of events for discussing Catherine’s desire for revenge on Mr Beasley. The transform scenes now require and involve her. Some tweaks to post transform scenes for Miss Beasley, add extra sex scenes and image variations.
– Sarah and Lauren – Major changes for them on the apprentice path. All events are reset when loading an existing save. Events are a bit more reliable and there is no case where they become unavailable. Warning there is a major consequence if you charm Lauren in this path. It is easier but will cause permanent problems! Sarah cannot be charmed but she and Lauren can be romanced.
– New Player Avatar – forum user cell943 submitted a new female avatar, Peta Jensen
– Messages – Added more sexy sms images and alter randomness of selection to prevent the same one twice in a row. Altered a number of other SMS messages to appear at more reasonable times.
– Image Fixes – Fixed images for Madison/Aletta Ocean particularly with Zoey, Diane sms images.
– Bug Fixes – Some typos.
– Layout/Abbreviation – Some changes to abbreviate some text usually for static location descriptions
– Event Clarifications – small changes in events to clarify or alter minor progression. Some QOL changes like making some queries/options available at people’s homes (Mayor and open/close museum for instance), Some notes tweaks.
– Image Additions – Angela home explicit sex images, pool explicit images for male player. More poledance images for Tess
– Pregnancy – End game pregnancy for Lilith.
Update 14.13c
– fixes a range of phone/sms issues
– fixes some more typos
– some small layout and dialogue button colour changes
– more broken/missing images
– a number of broken scenes calling people to the pool for a swim
– additional fixes for Leanne including an incorrect save upgrade that always made her think you personally had sex with her. This is reset for all old saves (including those where you actually did!) but not for new saves using 14.13c
– new player avatar for model Adriana Chechik by Lord_everhard
– alternate model for Abby from the Bologna mod, Asa Akira
– some image fixes from Mastram for Dr Kay (eye edits), and a new bondage play scene (by me)
– selfie images for Diane White, replaced the pole dance image and a new image when she is in jail
– selfie images for Lola
– some edits for John Adams, Leanne improved
– some cheat menu options added for character specific paths
– Melanie now starts a new game charmed by Davy
– you can meet Kylie by messaging ‘where are you’ on Cherise Rd
14.13 Release:
This is the release of version 14.13 for A Spell for All.
This update has had a few aims:
– improve the user interface and provide more hints. There are some early game pointers for using the user interface. There are popup notifications when a new location is available in the game. You can now text a person and ask where they are (or send a selfie)
– add more alternate models from the bologna mod. Also freed selecting models so some are no longer restricted by the choice of a US/UK setting. One alternate model for Victoria was made into a new character with similar content, but some new things. Similarly the alternate for Ellie can now be a new character
– completing (partially in some cases) content. You can bring a charmed Davy home, and you can rescue Seraphina and charm her. Some characters have alternate lover charms now. All female characters have pregnant endings (except Lilith, Keana)
– implementing submitted new content, for this release it is the school Principal Ms. Reagan by Mastram, and an expansion of the Cult of Flesh by feor.
Full Change Log:
Bug Fixes – Some image fixes, one for Zoey/Riley Reid. Dreams were disabled in some cases incorrectly.
Pregnancies – End game pregnancies for Officer Khan, Officer Batton, Mother Superior, Tina (not as a vampire), Lauren, Leanne, John Adams. Some existing edits replace with actual images of the models when pregnant (Jayden Jaymes, Riley Reid). Two edits courtesy of Wape (game Incubus City)
Alternate Models – Models from the bologna44 mod imported as alternates for
Ellie (Alix Lynx)
Tracy (Casey Calvert)
Carol (Summer Brielle)
Tina (Lana Rhoades)
Officer Khan (Capri Cavalli – note same model as Amy Ross)
Select on first visit, and the transform spell can be used to change the model later. Old saves default to the original model. Note: some other characters have had images restructured to allow these changes in future.
Extra Scenes/Images
Added SMS for Officer Batton
new pool scene for Tina
extra poledance images for Officer Khan
additional poledance image for Catherine.
Mother Superior has pool scenes, an extra pole-dance image and tit-fucking scenes when she has been transformed for larger breasts
Locale Models – Model choices for police officers, Nurses are no longer locked to UK/US locale. You can pick any if you do not mind the uniform disconnect for police especially.
Extra Charms – Louise and Mrs Robbins can now be charmed as a lover, as well/instead of the original slave charm. Both can be recharmed at a later time
UI (Inventory) – There is a new view for the inventory, a switchable right tab, now the default but you can use the old view via your phone apps. Additionally there is an additional compact view for the icon based view of items in your inventory
UI (Hints) – Early game hints shown with blinking arrows, can be disabled in your phone apps.
Notifications – When a new location is revealed a popup notification is shown as a reminder in case you missed the reference in the game.
Sending SMS’s – You can now send a SMS to people asking simple queries like ‘Where are you?’ ‘Send me a picture’ not all people will reply
New Character – Leigh Parker, another bank teller, uses the model for Ellie you do not pick. Similar content (charm is different)
New Character – Principal Reagan (model Reagan Foxx) first met in the game introduction. Submitted by Mastram
New Character – Cherry (model Cherie Deville) runs a yoga studio/new age shop near Esmeralda’s store.
New Items – Cherry sells some minor items, the dream catcher replaces the pink noise app. The diffuser guarantees a dream. Pyrites pendant is a small mana recharge per day and a minor protection (works for Elian as 0.5), Idol also a minor protection (also 0.5)
Hydromancy Change – Hydromancy needs you to know how to meditate. Cherry can teach you for a price (can be free)
Map changes – New places added to the map for future content and some minor tweaks and rearranges
New Male Avatar – New avatar, Ricky Spanish submitted by Mastram
Saving Seraphina – You can now save Sera from being a thrall, talk to Jade. You can after a time charm her
A few minor notes on the new content:
– when you send a SMS, any reply is temporary, it will go away when you close your SMS’s. This greatly simplified coding here
– when looking for a cult member it is random who you find. You cannot select the person. All content for them is fairly generic
– you need to silver ring to charm Principal Reagan
– no end game pregnancies for non-humans, so here it is for Lilith and Keana. I may add one for Lilith in a later version as I have images now for the event.
– Seraphina’s new content needs to have Legion defeated or gone
Version 14.12 Release
This is the new release for ‘A Spell for All’ mainly this has concentrated on
– altering the modding system to be more flexible and allow multiple to be used in a given playthrough. Also image only mods
– changes to the image display system partly linked to the above but a more complete implementation of an image object
– porting models from the bologna44 mod into the game as alternatives. Also adding Kellie from the mod.
– adding a ‘select model process’
– implementing a submitted new character
– merging a character from a mod posted at F95 a while ago
This version is compatible with old save games (still back to 14.8.4) and any characters with new models will default to the original choice
Bug Fixes – Some reported bugs were fixed, also a lot of typos. Some passing time problems for Ash, Sharon, Lola, Betty, Melanie, Karma. Some problems with repeat sex with Hannah/Monique
Layout – Layout fixes and changes for mobile devices. Restored the popup inventory and altered the main display a bit. Two new apps in your phone to tweak/adjust these.
Pregnancy – Doctor Kay and Nurse Sandra now have end game pregnancy events. Nurse Sandra’s can be shown with Nurse Megan if both are charmed. Additionally Lucy (the thrall with Jesse) has an end of game pregnancy event. You can see an event for Mrs Granger now if Kate is not charmed or gone.
Dancing – Doctor Kay and Melissa have poledancing scenes (generic text)
Walkthrough – Some fixes
Thralls – Some rearranges for images for Lucy and Seraphina, mainly for future changes. Added an early sighting of Lucy during school hours at the sports fields, before you learn the charm spell.
Endgame Fixes – A number of fixes during the end game, especially with the Severn Valley mod enabled. One image of Tamara Russ (Tammy) was incorrectly used, now a halloween themed one for the original vampire model Madison.
Addresses – Added some missing addresses in the phone address book.
Teleports – Some blank buttons fixed on the teleport screen for old saves, and a layout fix.
Homes – A new block of the Celeste apartments opened, South building to compliment the existing North, a few people moved to the south building.
Melissa – Melissa got an apartment in the South building of Celeste Apartments, she works nights so available in the daytime there. Melissa has more variations on sex scene images. She has new scenes for a bath and minor scenes if you are invisible
Images – extra image variations for Kate (lover). Some more poledancing images for Mrs Granger, and a few more sex image variation for her. Anita has more image variations and also a threesome with Tess (look a like model, unsure her name). Emily has some more images at home and also a tit-fuck scene. Extra explicit images for Carol (fakes)
Lilith – Additional edits for threesomes and other scenes with Mrs. Granger. A new set of events when you visit Kate with her. Scenes when you visit Betty. Scenes when you visit Ash, a bit different, they have a history (and only one image set I can find). Additional sex option after feeding and another use for the gift of life
Faces – The faces images used sometimes in events or in ‘View People’ have been updated on request, to vary better from charmed/uncharmed and some other states.
Taxi’s – A cheat option will now make taxi’s always available
Betty – Added a strap-on scene and scenes when you visit with Lilith, some roleplaying on her part.
– another fix for popup freeze/hang issues
– fix some problems meeting Mayor Thomas on the Apprentice path
– fix some typos
– fix some incorrect SMS messages, mostly coming too early or repeating
– fix additional problems charming Bambi
– fix an issue for Leanne and when she goes to the graveyard, and her ‘mind the store’ event. Additionally some changes relating to her rescue
– fix a problem with being able to ask Melissa to let you out of the museum
– fix an issue for Kate’s ungrateful bitch option
A Spell For All v14.11e
Bug Fixes – Some reported bugs were fixed, also a lot of typos. Some passing time problems for Ash, Sharon, Lola, Betty, Melanie, Karma. Some problems with repeat sex with Hannah/Monique
Layout – Layout fixes and changes for mobile devices. Restored the popup inventory and altered the main display a bit. Two new apps in your phone to tweak/adjust these.
Pregnancy – Doctor Kay and Nurse Sandra now have end game pregnancy events. Nurse Sandra’s can be shown with Nurse Megan if both are charmed. Additionally Lucy (the thrall with Jesse) has an end of game pregnancy event. You can see an event for Mrs Granger now if Kate is not charmed or gone.
Dancing – Doctor Kay and Melissa have poledancing scenes (generic text)
Walkthrough – Some fixes
Thralls – Some rearranges for images for Lucy and Seraphina, mainly for future changes. Added an early sighting of Lucy during school hours at the sports fields, before you learn the charm spell.
Endgame Fixes – A number of fixes during the end game, especially with the Severn Valley mod enabled. One image of Tamara Russ (Tammy) was incorrectly used, now a halloween themed one for the original vampire model Madison.
Addresses – Added some missing addresses in the phone address book.
Teleports – Some blank buttons fixed on the teleport screen for old saves, and a layout fix.
Homes – A new block of the Celeste apartments opened, South building to compliment the existing North, a few people moved to the south building.
Melissa – Melissa got an apartment in the South building of Celeste Apartments, she works nights so available in the daytime there. Melissa has more variations on sex scene images. She has new scenes for a bath and minor scenes if you are invisible
Images – extra image variations for Kate (lover). Some more poledancing images for Mrs Granger, and a few more sex image variation for her. Anita has more image variations and also a threesome with Tess (look a like model, unsure her name). Emily has some more images at home and also a tit-fuck scene. Extra explicit images for Carol (fakes)
Lilith – Additional edits for threesomes and other scenes with Mrs. Granger. A new set of events when you visit Kate with her. Scenes when you visit Betty. Scenes when you visit Ash, a bit different, they have a history (and only one image set I can find). Additional sex option after feeding and another use for the gift of life
Faces – The faces images used sometimes in events or in ‘View People’ have been updated on request, to vary better from charmed/uncharmed and some other states.
Taxi’s – A cheat option will now make taxi’s always available
Betty – Added a strap-on scene and scenes when you visit with Lilith, some roleplaying on her part.
A Spell For All 14.11d
Bug Fixes – Some reported bugs were fixed, also a lot of typos. Some passing time problems for Ash, Sharon, Lola, Betty, Melanie, Karma. Some problems with repeat sex with Hannah/Monique
Pregnancy – Doctor Kay and Nurse Sandra now have end game pregnancy events. Nurse Sandra’s can be shown with Nurse Megan if both are charmed. Additionally Lucy (the thrall with Jesse) has an end of game pregnancy event
Dancing – Doctor Kay and Melissa have poledancing scenes (generic text)
Walkthrough – Some fixes
Thralls – Some rearranges for images for Lucy and Seraphina, mainly for future changes. Added an early sighting of Lucy during school hours at the sports fields, before you learn the charm spell.
Endgame Fixes – A number of fixes during the end game, especially with the Severn Valley mod enabled. One image of Tamara Russ (Tammy) was incorrectly used, now a halloween themed one for the original vampire model Madison
Addresses – Added some missing addresses in the phone address book.
Teleports – Some blank buttons fixed on the teleport screen for old saves, and a layout fix.
Homes – A new block of the Celeste apartments opened, South building to compliment the existing North, a few people moved to the south building.
Melissa – Melissa got an apartment in the South building of Celeste Apartments, she works nights so available in the daytime there. Melissa has more variations on sex scene images. She has new scenes for a bath and minor scenes if you are invisible
A Spell For All v14.11c
fix some image problems for Aunt Brandi and a hang in Kylies bedroom
fix some incorrect refereces to John Adams
fixed Betty’s recharm scene to remove bit from Ash’s scene
could not teleport invisible properly
some changes to settings like themes (hopefully)
added a fallback for cases of people not getting Mom leaving for work
updated the walkthrough for a reported problem
some low level events and scene rearranged
John Adams has a new alternate female model from the bologna mod, Corey Chase. Some additional images in his/her office. Some new sex images at the pool, one faked for Brandy Robbins
alternate charm for Mother Superior if you fail to charm her (say leave her room without charming her). Sister Desiree will contact you to start the process. Cheat menu options added for all stages of her charm process
bondage scenes for Sister Desiree part of above but repeatable and available if you charm ‘properly’. Discipline her in Mother Superiors room and then send her back to the Courtyard
also changes to Sister Desiree, you cannot sleep with her until Mother Superior is charmed (with small scene if you try)
altered Sister Desiree’s pool images, different day and night
you can disable non-story SMS messages for any specific character
added more flavour text to some on Aunt Brandi’s post charm scenes. Still fairly simple, with new image for Kylie
one more nun for the cult
added a hint popup when you first visit the Graveyard. Note: it will appear in old saves when you visit the graveyard next
A Spell For All v14.11b
– fixes a icon issue in your inventory
– fixes event conflicts with Zoey’s model selection event. Similar fixes for Nurse Megan
– fix a range of typos
– unable to charm Officer Khan at the Gym
– a problem with Ms. Titus poledancing sex scene
– fix some problems with the notes in your phone for consistency and completing some items
– small layout issue in Ms. Titus’s home
– Mother Superior can see you when invisible. Excuse I did a simple deus-ex machina fix, and something in the cloisters disspells the spell, clearly noted in the scenes
– fixes some SMS images not appearing
Small Changes
– Ms Titus can be transformed to a younger version using images from ‘thepledge’
– added a SMS notification from Ms Titus when she can teach you the Possession spell (on the appropriate gender/path case)
– added a simple, repeatable encounter with Ms. Titus at the Gym
– transforming yourself in the Hidden Room has more flexibility, and restores the BE/Cock growth transformation. Also adds a change avatar option (random)
A Spell For All v14.11a
Bug fixes
– fix a case where the ‘peeking’ event for Aunt Brandi did not trigger
– fix a case with old saves where the conversation with Mom to get access to Aunt Brandi’s house did not happen but was effectively ‘in play’
– fix a hang/error entering the Mayor’s Office notably around the press conference
– Charley could not dye her hair brown
– a missing image
– fix some cases where the inventory would not scroll
– fix some icon issues for high resolution displays (hopefully)
– fixed some minor issues when you get Kurndorf’s skull
Small changes
– added a hint/popup when you learn Possession to give a little bit of a guide
– added a little more information when you examine the holy water
– added some more text/hints for ‘The Death of Kurndorf’ and ‘Finding the Water’ books in the History Classroom
– added a fallback alternate charm for Ellie if you miss charming her when the Bank is closed. Once the construction site is available on a weekend Kristin will message you, go to the site and meet/charm Ellie
– a few extra poledance images for Kristin I found
– altered adding items via the Cheat menu to make it easier to add many of them
– added a Speaker app to your phone to suppress the sound effects added in 14.11 (phone/sms noises)
A Spell For All v14.11
Tutorial – Add additional tips/hints in the early game of using items, around Beasley’s Paper and some general notes
Consistency – you can use the Silver Ring to free Tracy at the Robbins house. Many, many spelling errors fixed.
Sir Ronald – speaking to him about the charm spell now has alternatives. In future it will be a path selection event.
Transform – All alternate models for characters can be swapped using the Transform spell, including Jenny and Pamela merged in from Severn Valley
Model Choice – Zoey has a new alternate model, Riley Reid, mostly imported from images in the Bologna44 mod. Selected on first meeting Zoey. Transform spell can switch models as above.
Model Choice – Nurse Megan has a new alternate model, an old-school model Farrah, submitted by a fan. Selected on first meeting Nurse Megan at the hospital or pool. Transform spell can switch models as above.
Transform – Mayor Thomas can be transformed to a male and visa versa. Can also select to start the game as male. Sex events can be bypassed now to allow for some requests to avoid this for male characters
Transform – Using images processed by ‘thepledge’ forum member, Mom can be transformed to a younger version of herself or visa versa. Currently this is essentially an image only change, no other reactions aside from the transform itself.
Transform – Using images processed by ‘thepledge’ forum member, Mia can be transformed to a younger version of herself or visa versa. Currently this is essentially an image only change, no other reactions aside from the transform itself. Currently events with Bambi are unaffected but few are distinct for her age. In her younger form she can become pregnant in the end game.
Transform – Using images processed by ‘thepledge’ forum member, Mrs Granger can be transformed to a younger version of herself or visa versa. Currently this is essentially an image only change, no other reactions aside from the transform itself.
Transform – Using images processed by ‘thepledge’ forum member, Miss Logan can be transformed to a younger version of herself but not back again. Currently this is essentially an image only change, no other reactions aside from the transform itself.
New People – Sharon and Charley/Karly merged in from the Salons mod/Bologna44 mod. The Salons mod is removed. Note: Charley has a girlfriend charm and her pregnant endgame is ONLY for this charm state.
New People – Ash is merged in from the Bologna44 mod v2. She is semi-hidden and accessed slightly differently to the mod. Also has a ‘friends with benefits’ charm as well as the existing slave charm. She has a pregnant endgame ONLY for the ‘friends with benefits’ charm state.
New People – Karma is merged in from the Bologna44 mod v2, and she is semi-hidden and accessed slightly differently to the mod. She also has a new girlfriend charm.
New People – Lola is merged in from the Bologna44 mod v2. She has a new girlfriend charm and in this version she can do dominant bondage scenes on Gina. The slave charm has her do submissive bondage scenes.
New People – Savanna is merged in from the Bologna44 mod v2. She has a new girlfriend charm with different sex scene in that case and charm scene. The version of her charm process from the bologna mod is still present and can be selected in the first meeting to ‘interview’. Updated to support a female player.
New People – Melanie is merged in from the Bologna44 mod v2, accessed after meeting Kylie a couple of times outside. She also has a new girlfriend charm. Note: due to her extreme slave charm you cannot recharm her.
New People – Betty is merged in from the Bologna44 mod v2, accessed after an event with Victoria and after meeting Mrs Tanika. She has an alternate girlfriend charm. Note: the hucow farm is not ported
Elian – resolution to the pact and after events. Three pacts possible, love-slave, demon bride, servant.
Tracy/Lilith – After Elian arrives there are a number of events with Tracy and Lilith in the lounge room, a periodic one, some movies and a poledancing scene.
Mayor Event – New law change after the passing of the nudism changes, public sex, with multiple new images around town
Town Events – More images for random townpeople
Campers – Campers are now a ‘person’ with some new images
Amy Event – Amy can dye her hair at Charley’s salon
Charley Event – Charley can be recharmed between her slave/lover charm states
Pool Events – If you invite Mrs Granger swimming at night then you can share a room at the hotel for the night. Kylie has a new option at the pool after you receive her bondage SMS. Kylie’s other pool scenes have more image variations.
Places – an abandoned cabin that cannot be found by normal means. Associated with Karma now.
Places – the Lake has been moved from the Severn Valley Mod to the main game, with different name/flavour, not a recreational place.
Places – the Hotel now has tennis courts, linked to Aunt Brandi’s events.
Creatures – Non-human beings can be disabled, except demons and the ghost of Kurndorf. It will remove Lilith and Keana from the game but not Elian.
Layout – Some general layout changes to address better mobile support. All items lying in areas are moved into the main area, not the right column. Item popups also altered a bit.
Player – Added a generic shilouette avatar option for the player character
Pregnancies – Added pregnant images for Louise, Ash, Karma, Lola, Melanie, Savanna, Sister Desiree, Betty, Nurse Megan and some of the nuns at the church if the cult is in progress. Note: some of these are only available for their ‘girlfriend’ charm. Mia as noted above once transformed gets a pregnant scene.
Aunt Brandi – Visit and charm your Aunt. This version resets any existing save games to restart any events related to her.
Church Cult – Scenes recruiting for Mother Superior’s cult. Currently 12 nuns but not fully characters, charm scenes and encounters in the main area of the church. Additional end game images and also a pregnant scene all using generic models, some from the movie “Non Ci Indurre In Tentazione”
SisterDesiree – Expanded images for Sister Desiree and also for scenes with Mother Superior. Largely just additional image variations.
Sounds – Some minor sound effects added, mainly around phone calls and SMS messages
Walkthrough – Updated with notable new events in A Spell For All
A Spell For All
– more bug fixes from last release
– assorted hardcore fake images by wasser, mostly for male player, commonly anal scenes. Amongst others for Mia, Zoey, Madison, Nina, Keana
– end game pregnant scenes for Victoria and Nella (Victoria image by wasser)
– additional image variations for Mom, including new introduction image. Most new images are for hardcore scenes, male and female, some by wasser
– some new image variants for Tracy including her initial introduction, TV images and harcore images for sex scenes. – new images for John/Joan Adams some fakes by wasser for Brandy Robbins model. You can now meet him/her at work in the Town Hall post charm for a simple encounter.
– additional sex-scene image variations, some for Alison and a lot more for Anita, and added for Anita titfuck, strap-on and anal scenes.
– initial meeting with Aunt Brandi at the Gym a couple of days after seeing her with Kylie, and some dreams of her afterwards
A Spell For All v14.10.1
– Assorted bug fixes and small continuity fixes. Notably some issues for Angelica and some incorrect hyperlinks in the game.
– Add Memory option to phone apps, primarily for Android users, but to allow altering number of saves or photos in your phone
– Schedule tab in phone note for when some people are available. A work in progress
– Vampire Lilith three/foursomes with Mrs Granger/Kate. Images are lower-resolution and Kate is edited in via head-swap edits
– Some events returning to Sarah with the Vampire. Lauren will refuse to be fed on, a bit different between murder and apprentice paths
– Threesomes with Sarah and vampire Lilith. All images edited
– Additional explicit image variants for Sarah (charmed) including strap-on images and a tit-fuck scene.
– Additional image when visiting Alison with Lilith
– Partially updated the walkthough in the game, and removed all except the version created by Capacitor. Altered the display to be in an iFrame to try to address a display issue for an Android device. Can still be opened externally of the game
– Altered some of the text around the start of the Elian events to encourage hydromancy and made learning hydromancy easier. Added an additional vision AFTER Elians related to Jesse/Legion
– swapped an image for Kate
A Spell For All version 14.10
– Optional alternate model for Mrs. Tanika, chosen at first meeting or via cheat menu. Also add a titfuck scene. As part of this also altered how your bedroom is displayed with the different combinations of visitors
– Optional alternate model for Gina, chosen at first encounter or via cheat menu.
– Miss Logan’s Neurology assignment now is an alternate charm path. Will include some changes for Ms Jones (an alternate outfit)
– Sofia on the apprentice path is replaced with a different chauffeur Angelica (model August Taylor) with different story
– New bad ending for Mom/Gabby story written by imperator_mentus
– Series of challenges with Elian, but no final resolution. New bath scene for her after the start of them, and also the pool and poledance scenes can be randomly seen again, with new text and alternate images.
– Updated modding system to make it simpler to mod images or javascript. See Mods/readme.txt
– Altered and added a fallback for Mom to ensure her masturbation scene happens, at worst after Legion is defeated/leaves
– Assorted small bug fixes
– Better support for mobile devices layout. Note: popup inventory was discontinued
– Better handling for alternate images and error handling. Also handles differing aspect ratios better
– Android apk version
– Additional endgame pregnant scenes for Elian, Donna, Pamela, Madison, Zoey, Nina, Hannah and Camryn
– Additional image variations for some minor places like tv viewing, pool, strip-club. Also more image variations for Ms. Jones, Hannah, titfuck scene for Hannah
– Some revisions/clarifications for the notes in your phone
– Stopped some cases where repeat sex made you leave the house/room
– Some changes for Mrs Granger and uncharmed Kate allowing sex with Mrs Granger when Kate is not a lover or girlfriend. Also added for Mrs Granger bondage. strap-on and titfuck scenes and a variant pool scene (video)
A Spell For All version
A Spell For All version 14.9.4
more bug fixes, notably when studying with Kate and picking the wrong option with puzzles disabled can break her story and cause her to kill you on next meeting at home
– Endgame changes, pregnant scenes for Mayor Thomas, Angela, Emily and Kylie.
– Endgame for family improved and recognises the Mom bad end if she runs away with Gabby
– More pregnant porn in Miss Logan’s PC, 5 images
– Changes submitted by freyjadour to allow multiple transformations (BE + futa for some) and to reverse transformations. Also a PC to male transformation but do not expect people to react to this yet. Also includes extra image edits for be + futa cases
– Alternate pregnant edits for Mom and Tracy submitted by Dirkdingo, they also did the Kylie pregnant edit.
– More obvious event once you can learn trainings
– Replacement charm scene for Jenny from Northwind, a bit ‘dirtier’
– Expanded sex scenes at the restaurant for Jenny from Northwind, also a bit ‘dirtier’
– Additional BE images for Zoey including home (pose, sex, bed), poledancing, pool
– Additional/expanded sex scenes with male Mr Beasley, with variations for futa players. Written by Northwind
– Additional BE images for Madison including pool sex, home strip-tease, bed(ish). Also some head-swap fakes for some strap-on sex scenes. Additionally a pool-side strap-on image. You can now transform her at home.
– Additional BE images for Louise including pool, home, poledance. Thressome scenes with Nina, using model Sonja Adams. You can now transform her at home.
– Additional BE images for Bambi (Kiki Vidis version), pool, hotel bar, guarding, her room
– People reacting to you as a futa, written by Northwind. Not all just a selection so far but notably Mom and Tracy
– Expanded scenes for John and Tess at their home, also by Northwind. Primarily for male John
– Expanded charm scene for John by Northwind
– Revised Silver Ring encounter with Tess and John with other paths possible by Northwind. Note, you can get kicked out and option locked out for Tess. These are for a while, a SMS from Tess will arrive after a time.
– Replaced a look-a-like image for Mrs Granger (male bj in the Wild Ranges)
– Add ‘worship each other’ option for Mother Superior and Sister Desiree, lesbian and futa version. Tweaked one of Sister Desiree’s images to emphasise caning marks
– Kurdorf asks a price to learn Invisibility – take care, a possible bad end if you are lacking two defences
– Performance scene with Jade (night with no scheduled dancer, and have not visited her and dancing allowed)
A Spell For All version
more bug fixes
Endgame changes, pregnant scenes for Anita, Melissa.
Additional SMS for Mrs Robbins, and more explicit sex images.
More Tina/Mrs Robbins threesome images some for vampire Tina. An image for vampire Tina swapped. Added a hardcore fake for Tina.
A Spell For All version
more bug fixes
End game scene always shows a scene for Mom/Tracy, with possible pregnancies
Added a fallback case if you fail to cham Carol
Image improvements for Carol, more fakes and better threesome with Ellie and other images
Added tit-fuck scene with faked images, including a strap-on version
Repeat visits of Kristin to Carol with threesome or foursome
Fixed/added more poledance scenes (generic text so far) for Carol, Kristin, Abby, Angela, Donna, Diane, Emily, Louise, Sofia, Tina (normal)
Changes for invisibility to better recognise the state, particularly the indefinite version and to handle the state, to restrict options interacting with others. More changes are needed this is an initial change
A couple of initial events when invisible with the extended training. School hallway during school hours and Kristin’s home when she is there and you enter her home invisible (so she does not know you are there).
Some dialogues with Lilith on her and invisibility
Endgame changes, pregnant scenes for Alison, Jenny.